Before the Shutdown: MACEPA Country Activities Pre-Pandemic

 Community Champions of Senegal
photos and story by Bismoy Goudiaby

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Ethiopia's Federal Ministry of Health recently conducted a 2020 Malaria Performance Review (MPR). A field validation orientation was conducted with H.E. Dr. Lia Tadesse in Addis Ababa and 11 teams were deployed to conduct field validation activities throughout the country, sponsored by MACEPA in Tigray, Amhara, and Addis Ababa. 

In March, Community Champions were trained in Senegal's Tambacounda district. After these sessions, Community Champions can recognize malaria symptoms, engage with the community leaders about malaria, and use DHIS Tracker Capture for DHIS2 on household visits.  Now, these Community Champions are being trained to help in the COVID-19 response as well. Above, MACEPA Malaria and NTD focal point Gnagna Dieng leads a session on malaria RDTs and treatment.

Community Champions in Senegal practicing how to transform a Long Lasting Insecticide treated Net (LLIN) from the square to rounded form

Community Champions in Senegal practicing how to transform a Long Lasting Insecticide treated Net (LLIN) from the square to rounded form


Malaria Mythbusters
photos by Todd Jennings

In March, pre-social isolation, PAMO and MACEPA went to Eastern Province to work with adolescents on creating a radio program on Malaria Mythbusters. Students interviewed one another on topics of sleeping under a bed net and malaria symptoms, creating four 30-minute radio programs. Adolescents are currently an important part of Zambia's malaria elimination strategy. 

Radio is now being deployed to spread accurate, reliable information about COVID-19 in local languages.

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Last Month in Ethiopia
photo and story by Berhane Tesfay

Ethiopia's Federal Ministry of Health recently conducted a 2020 Malaria Performance Review (MPR). A field validation orientation was conducted with H.E. Dr. Lia Tadesse in Addis Ababa and 11 teams were deployed to conduct field validation activities throughout the country, sponsored by MACEPA in Tigray, Amhara, and Addis Ababa.

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ATSB in Western Province
photos by Chilumba Sikombe

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MACEPA's Javan Chanda and Chilumba Sikombe deploy a pilot ATSB on the side of a structure.

MACEPA's Javan Chanda and Chilumba Sikombe deploy a pilot ATSB on the side of a structure.

Pre-social distancing, MACEPA traveled to Western Province, Zambia for community engagement and deployment of new malaria intervention Attractive Targeted Sugar Baits (ATSB). An ATSB is made from a sheet of plastic that is covered with compartments filled with a sugary substance mixed with a pesticide, which mosquitoes can feed through. In a pilot in Mali, this intervention decreased the mosquito population by 60 percent. 

To learn more about what is happening with Zambia’s malaria program during COVID-19, click here