A main objective of Zambia’s operational research is to generate information to provide timely, accurate and relevant information for policy decision making in support of the country’s elimination agenda. Generating sound evidence is a priority area for the National Malaria Elimination Centre because this facilitates implementation of evidence-based health care interventions.

The malaria parasite is constantly adapting and so must the ways we combat it. In order to eliminate malaria, Zambia is investing in operational research and the development of new tools to fight the disease.


Each year, priority areas for malaria research are identified and studies are conducted. Ongoing research on the following topics is needed to ensure that existing tools and approaches are implemented efficiently:

  • Therapeutic efficacy of antimalarial treatments.
  • Insecticide resistance in vector populations.
  • Uptake of malaria interventions

Adding to the base set of malaria control interventions with new tools and strategies can facilitate the process of reaching the elimination goals. Novel drugs, more sensitive diagnostics, innovative vector control, and vaccines are some of the focus areas for new research.