World Malaria Day commemorations took off on the Copperbelt in Zambia on April 26 at St. Mary’s Rural Health Centre in Lufwanyama.
The Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, served as guest of honor. Zambia’s national slogan “Malaria Ends With Me” served as the theme for the event. According to the most recent Malaria Indicator Survey, Lufwanyama District has seen a resurgence in malaria cases since 2015. This was a major reason for the area being chosen for the commemoration.
Several activities took place in the area prior to the commemoration. Dr. Chilufya and the MoH team were able to visit a nearby health center to talk with staff and community health workers. Multiple community meetings took place to introduce community health workers to the communities they serve. Several walls were also branded with the Malaria Ends With Me Slogan with help from Plascon paint company. Check out some highlights below!
“We are in Lufwanyama today because it is one of the pockets of this country where malaria has gone up. We are going to increase community surveillance and empower our community health workers with information and skills. Malaria will only end if everyone understands their role in the fight to eliminate malaria.”
After delivering a speech in both English and the local language, Dr. Chilufya unveiled the 2018 Malaria Indicator Survey.